Total Hip Replacement surgery is one of the surgical options that has the major potential to enhance the overall life and well-being of people who have very problematic hip problems. Although the idea of undergoing surgery is frightening knowing how one should handle oneself before during and after the surgery lessens anxiety and prepares one for a smooth recovery.
This article discusses important elements of Total Hip Replacement surgery by shedding light on how it is done its output as well as the way back to normalcy.
Before Total Hip Replacement Surgery
Orthopedic specialists assess patients who have decided to go for total hip replacement and determine whether it is possible or not. Several important things that should be done to the patients before the surgery include preparing them for the procedure.
- Consultation and Evaluation: At this point, one is advised to visit an orthopedic surgeon who provides guidance on undergoing a total hip replacement. In this meeting, your surgeon will assess your hip disorder, medical history and general well-being. This appraisal is therefore necessary so that you will be sure that Total Hip Replacement surgery is the best fit for your situation.
- Preoperative Tests: Your healthcare specialists may require a few pre-operative tests for your safety at surgery during the time. Additionally, specific tests can be performed such as bloodwork an electrocardiogram, or imaging studies with detailed analysis to determine the state of your hip joint. Therefore, it’s important that you stick with your doctor’s instructions and do the mentioned test on schedule.
- Medication Adjustments: Your doctor will assess any prescribed medications and if required they should be altered. The patient might have stopped taking some medications that can cause excessive bleeding and hinder recovery after treatment.
- Lifestyle Modifications: Your surgeon may suggest some change in your diet or lifestyle during the weeks preceding Total Hip Replacement Surgery treatment. These may range from weight lifting exercises as well as quitting smoking and changing to foods that will ensure your body heals fast.
- Preoperative Education: Most hospitals also have pre-operative education programs that educate the patient. During these sessions, patients are informed about post-operative exercises, expectations after surgery and the importance of good wound hygiene.
During Total Hip Replacement Surgery
In turn, surgery on the day of operations will be undertaken by qualified personnel. Total Hip replacement surgery requires a few hours because it is a lengthy process. In this period, a damaged joint is substituted with an artificial one. Here’s what you can expect during the surgery:
- Anesthesia: According to Texas Joint Institute, in most cases, general anesthesia is applied during total hip replacement surgery, i.e. you do not feel a thing but you remain unconscious. Alternatively, your physician may choose to administer you with either a spinal or a different kind of epidural, wherein you stay conscious but you do not experience any sensation in the lower regions of your body from the waist down.
- Incision: Therefore, in order to operate the joint in your hip, the surgeon will make an incision of around 30 cm in your hip area. Depending on the method adopted by your surgeon, it will determine how big and where the incision will be.
- Hip Resurfacing: A hip resurfacing is preferred over a complete replacement of the joint where a doctor would deem it fit. This involves preserving more original bones and filling up any lesions with some metals. If your surgeon is satisfied, discuss this option with him/her:
- Prosthetic Placement: A surgical removal of the damaged bone and cartilage is followed by a safe fixation of the prosthetic components. The metal hip replacement sockets and stem that go in the femur form these components. A ball made from a metal/ceramic prosthesis would then be fitted into the stem.
- Closure and Dressing: The surgeon will then close the incision by applying stitches or staples and cover it with a sterile bandage after positioning the prosthetic components. The infection will be checked through monitoring the incision after surgery.
After Total Hip Replacement Surgery
A patient should be prepared for recovery from total hip replacement because it takes time, following doctors’ instructions and physiotherapy. Here’s what you can expect after the procedure:
- Hospital Stay: In many cases, they stay in the hospital between 1 and 3 days, but this depends on the specific case. However, in this period, they will provide you with pain management, physical therapy, and guidelines on how to take care after an operation.
- Mobility Assistance: When you come out of surgery, you will need to start moderate movement for your new hip immediately. When you can start bearing weight on your hip, a physical therapist will assist in practicing walking using crutches or walkers so that it does not affect your hip adversely.
- Pain Management: It is not unusual after surgery; one feels pain or discomfort. This will include pain medication prescriptions by your healthcare team for prescriptions for the management of pain levels. The patient must strictly adhere to the instructions for taking these painkillers in order to remain comfortable while recovering during the initial period.
- Wound Care: Ensure your surgical incision is kept clean and dry. They will instruct you on the proper care for the wounded (when and how you should change the dress).
- Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is a significant component of your recovery process. Doing this will increase the amount of strength, flexibility, and movement in your hip cap area. Be sure to follow what your therapist recommends, as well as complete assigned exercises regularly.
- Medications: After surgery, your surgeon might indicate that you can take blood thinner as a measure against unwanted clot formation. Take all other prescription drugs as directed.
- Dietary Considerations: It is important that a patient should go on a well-balanced diet in order to assist in the healing process. In addition, your healthcare team could advise you on some changes in your diet, which may include an increase in vitamin and mineral intake.
- Home Preparation: It is an important thing to prepare a place where you will arrive after being discharged from a hospital. Thus, it can include arranging your living for easy access, removing trip hazards, and getting assistive devices such as a raised toilet seat or a shower chair.
- Follow-up Appointments: Your surgeon will also schedule several follow-up visits in order to track progress. These appointments are vital in testing your hip joint recovery and modification of your therapy plan.
Total Hip Replacement surgery can be a transformative step for persons experiencing hip joint problems. It is important to understand in simple terms what happens before, during and after the surgery. However, with good healthcare, physical therapy, and patience, most patients live quality lives thereafter through Total Hip Replacement surgery.
Talk to an orthopedic surgeon if you are considering a total hip replacement or if you feel someone else may need this operation. Note that total Hip replacement plays an important role in active and painless living.