Weight LossTyler Labine Weight Loss Story - Health Update

Tyler Labine Weight Loss Story – Health Update [2024]

Tyler Labine 44 has been a hot topic on social media lately to be specific, Tyler’s incredible weight loss. Best known for playing Dr. Iggy on the NBC medical drama New Amsterdam, Tyler has been a fan favorite. And if you’ve been watching Dr. Iggy for the past two seasons you must have noticed a few changes in his physical appearance.

As Season 3 is underway, we are seeing a newer version of our favorite Dr. in New Amsterdam. He has been working hard to get in shape and the hard work is finally starting to show. We’ll tell you everything you want to know about the Tyler Labine weight loss story from weight loss struggles to battling eating disorders.

Tyer Labine’s Health Update.

Seven months ago Tyler shared a personal health update with his fans. Labine revealed that he had experienced a severe stomach ache which led him to seek medical attention at the local hospital. To his surprise, it was discovered that he had a potentially life-threatening blood clot in his intestines and liver.

Labine expressed gratitude for the support he has received from his family and his girlfriend, Martha, who has been taking care of him during his slow recovery. He also acknowledged the importance of reassessing what truly matters in life.

While specific details about Labine’s current health status and ongoing treatment are not provided in the message, it is evident that he is in a challenging situation but remains optimistic. Given the seriousness of a blood clot in the intestines and liver, it is likely that Labine’s recovery process may take some time.

Labine’s openness about his health journey and the love he has received from his fans shows the strength of his support system and the impact his work has had on many people. Fans and well-wishers will undoubtedly continue to send their love and support to Labine as he works towards a full recovery.


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Tyler Labine & Dr. Iggy – Similar Body Struggles

Very few people know this but he has essentially played himself in New Amsterdam. Apart from the “Doctor” part, Tyler and Iggy have had similar struggles in their life. Just as we see Tyler’s character struggling with eating disorders in “New Amsterdam.”

Dr. Iggy replicates every aspect of Tyler’s mental and physical health from binge eating to body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Especially in Season 3, Tyler’s character has been shown disorders that the masses struggle with nowadays.

In Season 3 of New Amsterdam, Dr. Iggy Frome’s (Tyler Labine) struggles with disordered eating are brought to the forefront. Iggy’s emaciated appearance in one episode led his assistant to believe he had coronavirus when in fact he was just starving himself following a binge.

Dr. Lauren Bloom (Janet Montgomery), Iggy’s friend and patient, eventually learns of his disorder and tries to help him recover. Eating disorders are often misunderstood but they can be incredibly dangerous.

Tyler has had to contend with a father who found him gross, multiple unsuccessful weight loss attempts and suicidal tendencies. Despite all of this, Tyler has overcome his struggles and is now a successful actor.

Stay tuned to find out Tyler’s tips and tricks for sustainable weight loss that anyone can follow.

Tyler Labine’s Tough Childhood

Labine also shared his own struggles at a young age. In an interview, Labine told:

“Around nine, I started to get a little chubbier than my two brothers. One night my dad saw me with my shirt off, slapped my gut, and said, “Oh my God, that’s disgusting. Look at that thing!”

He further added:

“From then on he put me on these crash diets and made me feel very different from the rest of my family. He built a little makeshift gym in the basement and would take pictures of me to chart my progress.

I felt like the love I received was in direct relation to how much weight I lost. At 11, I’d lie in bed at night dreaming about getting liposuction, and at 12, I made a clumsy attempt at killing myself.”

It just goes to show how society’s pressure can push someone over the edge. Tyler tried to commit suicide at the young age of 12 just because his parents would treat him differently than his brothers because of Tyler’s weight.

Before and After

tla bine

So…this post is sort of in response to a hater on here who told me to “Stay committed and stop working out intermittently just for the Gram.” Also to “stop acting like an influencer”
I get all of these comments and more by putting myself out here on IG. At the end of the day, I know how hard I work and how much I love sharing inspiration with you guys. So after a couple days feeling bad about myself (thanks for that hater) I decided that I look GOOOOOOOOD. I’m not a phony or a poser (even though I think the pic on the left is definitely a pose) and I’m certainly not only doing this intermittently for the ‘gram’.
The pic on the right is from my last day of shooting @nbcnewamsterdam in December.

The pic on the left is from today. It’s been a long and slow and super intentional journey. I’ve had many obstacles including almost dying less than 3 months ago. I had to go cold Turkey off of testosterone replacement. I’m doing this all naturally and with good old fashioned will power and discipline. Oh and @shred my absolute savior of a workout app! So…do I share intermittently? Yes. Does that mean I’m not consistently working hard towards a healthier me? Fuck no. I work hard. I share hard. So….that’s that. Some real shit.

(Ps, I’m aware that angles are at play in the pic on the left but…gimme some slack) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

#fitness #journey #fitnessmotivation #beforeandafter #dedication #discipline #results #love #life #ig

Tyler Labine Weight Loss & Body Dysmorphia

Tyler Labine, the star of New Amsterdam went to get therapy after years of struggling with weight loss and eating disorders. Several trips to the doctor for checkups eventually paid off and he was diagnosed with body dysmorphia.

This diagnosis also brought anxiety problems. Tyler admitted that he started drinking afterward to suppress his feelings about his overweight body.

“The funny fat guy characters I often played seemed impervious to people’s insults, but I would feel hurt by them. Drinking became a way for me to mask my feeling of being less-than.”

However, it is good to see that he has dumped this bad habit of drinking and is now 4 years sober. He has joined a 12-step program and also goes to therapy once a week. And it is evident that both these things have improved his mental and physical health a lot.


How Did Tyler Labine Lose Weight?

So, did Tyler actually undergo surgery to lose weight or has it been a long, hard and natural weight loss journey? Apparently, thinking of getting liposuction at 11 was all talk no walk- and thankfully so. He has made several changes to his diet and even started workouts to lose weight the way it’s supposed to be lost.

Tyler Labine’s weight-loss journey is an inspiring one. The actor decided to get serious about his health after years of yo-yo dieting and finally achieved his goal by making small, sustainable changes to his lifestyle. Labine used to be a self-proclaimed “junk food junkie” but gave up processed foods and started cooking at home more often. He also started working out regularly doing a mix of cardio and weight training.

The actor credits his weight loss to simply making healthier choices and being more mindful of what he puts into his body. He also believes that his transformation has been key in helping him get more acting roles. Labine is just one example of how small changes can lead to significant results. If you’re looking to lose weight, don’t be discouraged — start with some simple lifestyle tweaks and see where it takes you!


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Just a fraction of my workout. But I thought I’d share some of my fav movements that are pretty easy to try for some of you who are thinking about adding some newness to your routine. Or just getting started. 📸Oblique crunch push-ups 5x per side. Mountain climber push-ups 5 reps (10 mountain climbers per rep) Courtesy of @shred
#shred #fitness #fit #workout #home #gym #anywhere #togo #firedup


It must have been difficult for Tyler to replay all of his insecurities and disorders on the big screen for everyone to see but props to him for doing so. His courage helped raise awareness against weight bullying as well as motivated Tyler himself to change for the better.

But above all else, the Tyler Labine weight loss story is about self-love and acceptance. Before Tyler made any big changes he accepted the fact that he was suffering and needed help. And once he got the help he needed his life changed for the better. Now, we are excited to see how this change in Tyler’s appearances will be portrayed on the TV screen and what’s in store for Dr. Iggy. All good things we hope. Fingers crossed.

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Jasmin Ben
Jasmin Benhttps://dellaterawellness.com/
Jasmin Ben is a beauty, fitness, and health nutrition expert with years of experience in the industry. She is passionate about helping people feel and look their best and loves sharing her knowledge and tips with others. With a background in both beauty and fitness, Jasmine has a unique perspective on how to achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness. She is an avid researcher and is always on the lookout for the latest trends and techniques in the field. When she's not busy writing or working with clients, you can find Jasmine hitting the gym or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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