Weight LossSza Weight Loss Journey | Diet Plan & Workout Routine

Sza Weight Loss Journey | Diet Plan & Workout Routine [2024]

Before we start talking about the trending so-called Sza weight loss plan, let’s see who Sza is and how she earned her place in the music industry. Solana Imani Rowe, popularly known as Sza, is an American-born songwriter, rapper, and singer.

She was born in St. Louis, Missouri- on 8th November 1990. Soon her parents moved to Maplewood, New Jersey, where they raised Sza, her older brother, and an older half-sister.

Sza’s mother is a Christian, and her father follows Islam. In the early years of her life, Sza used to attend classes at an Islamic School every day after regular school. She even used to wear a hijab and follow most teachings of Islam. All that changed after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Just a few days after the horrid attacks, Sza faced Islamophobic bullying at her school when she was just a 7th grader.

The bullying led her to stop wearing the hijab, but she still says that all the beliefs of Islam that she learned as a child are still dear to her. The name Sza is also a kind of homage to her father’s religion. She said about her dress:

“Honestly, my manager, Punch, never asked me to ‘get dressed’ once. People would come to him like, ‘We need to clean her up,’ and he would say, ‘It’s fine. She’s fine.’”

After graduating high school, she attended Delaware State University to study marine biology, but it just wasn’t meant to be. She dropped out in her last semester, and that is when she started working towards her real passion, Music.

She would take up small jobs and perform at musical gigs in her free time. The quality was always there, and all she needed was some exposure and some polishing.

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Early Music Career

After endless gigs at different concerts, Top Dawg Entertainment approached her to release a couple of EPs back in 2011. The public loved Sza’s EPs, and she developed quite a fan base early on.

A couple of years later, Sza’s music impressed the president of Top Dawg Entertainment(TDE) so much that she signed her, making her the first female artist of TDE. She later released singles with various artists, including Chance The Rapper.

Sza is also a very good writer, and you might be surprised to know that she has written songs for Rihanna and Beyonce. She even performed a song live with Rihanna. After a lot of live performances, various singles, and three EPs, she finally released her first studio album by the name of Ctrl in 2017. The album earned her five Grammy nominations, but she couldn’t win any awards.

Recently, she worked with Kendrick Lamar on a song for the Marvel movie Black Panther. Along with this, she has been making headlines for her incredible body transformation. The music career is there for everyone to see, but Sza’s weight loss is another hot topic nowadays.

Sza’s Weight Loss Journey

When it comes to overweight celebrities, Hollywood can be a harsh place sometimes. And we aren’t talking about the fans alone. The executives and the “power players” in Hollywood and the music industry still believe in beauty over talent, which is quite sad.

Sza had to face her fair share of naysayers when she entered the music industry. If you look at pictures of her early music career, you can see that she is a bit overweight. At the start of her career in 2011, she weighed about 200 pounds. But, at the start, she wasn’t too worried about that. She said:

“I think there are a lot of standards that people told me about that I didn’t see. I started, I was 190 pounds, I only wore my dad’s big t-shirts and socks on stage, no shoes, and didn’t even notice; never complained or tripped about my makeup.”

Her sole focus was on making music that would make people happy. It wasn’t until 2015 that she got to know about her health issues. SZA started taking care of herself and began taking care of herself.

You can take care of your body and it will low-key show you respect in turn. You don’t have to wonder or wish to do things, you just have to be active about caring for yourself. You don’t have to wonder or wish to do things, you just have to be active about caring for yourself.

She was suffering from digestive problems, which were causing her to gain weight. She often said that she felt very comfortable in her body and wasn’t worried about her chubby figure.

SZA said about her weight loss during an interview in 2017

“If you want to support women, then you should support all shapes of women. I used to be 200 pounds and I have stretch marks all over my body. I found more comfort and soothing with Kendrick Lamar reinforcing that I’m beautiful”.

but this illness forced her to make some changes to her lifestyle and triggered the Sza weight loss journey.

Following a healthy diet plan and going for regular workouts helped Sza lose around 50 pounds. As per the time of this article, Sza still follows her diet and workout routines to maintain a healthy and fit body.

The singer felt the need to make a change and stated,

“It was just a matter of where I was in my mind, but I did also come out of that space where I was like, I feel like I want to change. I want to be different. I want to grow. I want to learn.

I think it’s one thing to be comfortable, but then it’s one thing to not see your full potential and your full picture. The standard should come from within.”

When she started thinking about losing a few pounds.

“Honestly, my manager, Punch, never asked me to ‘get dressed’ once. People would come to him like, ‘we need to clean her up,’ and he would say, ‘It’s fine. She’s fine.”

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How Did Sza Lose Weight?

Sza is one of those few celebrities who openly talk about their health problems. She took to Instagram to tell her fans about her digestive problems in 2015, and she would regularly talk about what changes she was making to her lifestyle to lose weight.

Her weight was the biggest problem in the early parts of her career. Even though she was happy with her 200-pound body and wearing baggy clothes, Hollywood wasn’t. While attending the Dove Girl Collection show, she opened up about her struggles. She said that she was considered a misfit because of her weight. She said:

“I’ve struggled with size since I was 19 until I realized I’m just naturally built to be a bigger girl.”

she is talking about her weight loss secrets, which were changes to her lifestyle, portion control, and some discipline.

I’m actually seeing some sustainable progress!! Today I faced the music and stepped on the scale to find out I’m finally 11 lbs down! From 169 – 158!!

Of course, she had a perfect diet plan and exercises to follow, but she did share some extra tips with her fans. Following are the four tips that she said helped her lose weight:

  • Drink lots and lots of water all day round.
  • Eat whatever you feel like, but also pay attention to what your body likes.
  • Do workouts that make your body feel good instead of what makes your body feel tired.
  • Don’t quit attitude and consistency. Do not quit halfway, and do not take long breaks if you want to achieve substantial results.

 Sza Diet Plan

As we said earlier, Sza has been very open about her weight loss journey. The tips we shared above are also from her Instagram posts and replies to fan comments.

In answer to a fan question on Twitter, she recently told everything about her diet plan that she is currently on. A fan asked about the name of her diet plan, and she replied: “I don’t really know the name,” and then she went on to talk about what she avoids:

  • avoid red meat
  • No dairy
  • avoid wheat
  • No sugar

and what she eats:

  • Fish
  • High protein vegetables
  • Complex carbs (Sweet potatoes, Avocados, etc.)
  • Lots of water.

For some, this might be the easiest diet plan to follow, and for some, it is the most difficult diet plan ever. If you ask us, the only difficult part is removing sugar from your daily diet.

Moreover, dairy is also not very easy to let go of. So, if you want to achieve a new and dreamy physical frame like that of Sza, these are some of the sacrifices you will have to make.

We would also like to say that following this simple diet plan is much easier than the complex diet plans like KETO, which starve you completely.

Sza’s Workout Routine

Even though Sza has been quite open about her weight loss journey, has shared what she likes to eat and what she avoids, and even given her fans some tips about healthy habits, she doesn’t share too much about her workout routine.

Sza is a regular gym-goer because the figure and the abs she flaunts in her recent music video with Doja Cat can not happen just with diet. She replies to one of her fans about her diet.

“No crazy diet, no shakes, no cute ass “tea,” no supplements, still no gym (yet). Just being more active (light hikes n strolls etc.) LOTS uh water + doing and eating what feels right for ME and my body (less cheese less sugar).

Whether I’m slim jimmy or thicker than a lil bit, it’s all a journey, and I’m in no rush from 168-152 at my own lil pace and still going.”

She did mention in an Instagram live that she only does hot pilates, but that was quite some time ago. Now, along with the careful diet plan, she regularly goes to the gym for an intense workout session. Maybe in the future, the 30-year-old will share what workouts she does to maintain her new and fit body.

SZA Before And After Weight Loss


If you take a look at her older photos you’ll see that she wore a lot of loose clothes.  Now, with her attractive and bold body, she’s much more confident and states that she is now wearing what she is at ease in.

She is still committed to taking care of your body regardless of what size or shape or color you have however, she can motivate her fans to change to healthy lifestyles the way she has done. SZA said

“When I lost weight, I didn’t want to wear baggy clothes anymore. I worked really hard not to have to wear baggy clothes. And now I just feel like it’s how I’m generally comfortable. Instead of doing just what was available, I can wear what I want, and that’s a blessing.”


SZA Height And Weight

SZA before her weight loss journey was weighing around 90 kilograms and 167cm tall. Now, the American pop artist and songwriter has transformed into a new-look body, with a height of 5 feet and 6 inches. The gorgeous abs and cuts are worthy of applauding and it’s done by keeping the weight of 55 kilograms, down from 91kgs.

Even she still feels that one should love his/her body.

It’s not about how they think you should be, look, feel, do, vibe, grow, or evolve. It’s about how YOU see you. How you feel you.

Video: YouTube/SZA


Sza has always preached love for yourself, but she has acknowledged that Hollywood critics played a key reason for her to shed some weight. In one of her tracks, she mentioned that different music makers advised her to get rid of her filth. They wanted to get rid of her by changing her appearance and sexualizing her in music videos, in addition to other things.


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Jasmin Ben
Jasmin Benhttps://dellaterawellness.com/
Jasmin Ben is a beauty, fitness, and health nutrition expert with years of experience in the industry. She is passionate about helping people feel and look their best and loves sharing her knowledge and tips with others. With a background in both beauty and fitness, Jasmine has a unique perspective on how to achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness. She is an avid researcher and is always on the lookout for the latest trends and techniques in the field. When she's not busy writing or working with clients, you can find Jasmine hitting the gym or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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