Weight LossSteve Howey Weight Loss Journey | Diet & Workout

Steve Howey Weight Loss Journey | Diet & Workout [2024]

Season 8 of the Showtime series Shameless kicked off and fans quickly started to notice the change in the appearance of Kevin Ball a character played by steve Howey. Actor and comedian Steve Howey have had his fair share of troubles with weight fluctuations, but recently fans were stunned to find a shredded, six-pack-abs physique on Steve Howey. If you compare some old photos, the difference is vivid. But when did Steve Howey’s weight loss journey start and what did he do right to achieve such an impressive transformation

Steve Howey Weight Loss Journey

After Steve finished Reba, he was uncertain about the direction of his acting career. Before Shameless came along, Steve had no projects in line and would sit at his house worrying all day long. He was already quite overweight at that time and that excess weight caused a compressed vertebra.

This was a tricky time because he couldn’t work out due to the compressed vertebra, and that was causing him to gain more weight. Steve revealed later on it was more about laziness than about the injury. At the same time he was worried about the problems that would come with the extra weight he was gaining. In an interview, Steve said the following when talking about his motivation to lose weight: Speaking of his weight loss transformation, Steve said:


I’ve always been up and down with my weight. I think when Reba ended and I really wasn’t sure what was next for me, I really blew up. But I’ve gotten back in shape over the last year or so because of health reasons, not aesthetics. When I entered the first season of Shameless,

I compressed a vertebrae and that was very painful. I couldn’t stand up, let alone walk. And I realized something had to change, so I started working out more. I wanted to lose that extra weight and strengthen my muscles so my bones wouldn’t collapse on me.

But the problems with laziness continued. So, Steve developed a workaround to get the daily exercises done even when his mind wasn’t up for it.

When I don’t feel like working out, lifting weights, or doing serious cardio, the best thing for me to do is just go on the treadmill and walk. I walk and listen to music and 10 minutes will go by, then 15,

and then I’ll speed up a bit. Once my blood really starts flowing, I’ll get a second wind, and then I want to work out. The best way to get yourself to want to work out is to just get a sweat going and the blood circulating.

With a simple technique of starting slow and then going all out, Steve manages to work out daily and that’s why he was able to achieve such an incredible transformation.

Steve Howey

Steve Howey Weight Loss Diet Plan

Losing weight is nearly impossible without making the necessary and right changes to your diet. What you put in your body will reflect on the body as well which is why every fitness freak has a special diet plan to maintain that fitness.


Steve Howey is no different. In fact, for Steve, a good diet is more important than a good workout. He said in an interview:

‘Eating properly for a week is more beneficial for me than hard workouts for a month. When I’m eating right, my abs and waistline pop automatically.’

He certainly made a lot of dietary changes as he’s grown older as he has admitted himself.

‘I used to be able to eat a bowl of chicken wings, drink three pitchers of beer and still keep going. Now, I just want to take a nap after a good meal.’

Another change he made to his diet was shunning coffee and coconut oil. His diet is based on organic vegetables; he mostly eats chicken and broccoli after a good workout session. To make this meal a little less boring, Steve occasionally uses hot sauce with it.

Steve Howey Before And After



Steve Howey Workout Routine

Steve’s workout routine is a hefty one, and the fact that he does this at 40 years of age makes this all the more impressive. Before the heavy liftings begin, Steve has a 40-minute warmup routine.

After that, Steve spends 2 hours doing his daily workouts. So, Steve is spending almost three hours in the gym every day. No wonder he looks like Superman.

His warmup alone is shoulder presses, squats and squat presses- 10 to 15 reps each. And to finish it up is some 54-pound plates weight lifting. But there is no information about his actual workouts. We do hope Steve will post about that soon on his social media because fans would love to know and follow his workout routine.

Even though he spends so much time in the gym he still worries about his body. He said:

‘Now, I’m 40 years old, so I have to be careful about what excersices I do. Sometimes I feel my knee pop, which is gnarly.’


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Steve is a genius at Fighting Laziness

Steve has learned how to fight laziness. Howey said,

“Whenever I don’t feel like working out, lifting weights I just go on the treadmill and walk. I walk and listen to music for 10 minutes. And when 10 minutes are over, I tell myself that why not go for 15 more minutes”.

Steve delayed in Order to lose weight

Delay is one of the major obstacles to beating weight gain. Howey said,

 “Not many of the comedians I look up to are in great shape. So I made the justification that it’s okay that I am overweight”.

As the years passed by, over time Steve began to realize that Steve wanted to live his ideal life, he would have to shed weight. In the same interview, Howey said,

 “Who cares you are funny or not when you are dying?”

Then, with this realization, Steve finally started his weight loss journey.



And that is pretty much all there is to know about the Steve Howey weight loss transformation. It’s an incredible transformation for a man who’s 40 years of age. And we wish Steve Howey the best in the future. We hope he can maintain and better his physique and find more success in his already illustrious career.

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Jasmin Ben
Jasmin Benhttps://dellaterawellness.com/
Jasmin Ben is a beauty, fitness, and health nutrition expert with years of experience in the industry. She is passionate about helping people feel and look their best and loves sharing her knowledge and tips with others. With a background in both beauty and fitness, Jasmine has a unique perspective on how to achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness. She is an avid researcher and is always on the lookout for the latest trends and techniques in the field. When she's not busy writing or working with clients, you can find Jasmine hitting the gym or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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