Weight LossHalle Berry Weight Loss | Diet Plan & Workout  Routine

Halle Berry Weight Loss | Diet Plan & Workout  Routine [2024]

In case you momentarily lost track of who to follow if you want to be fit and healthy, let us draw your attention to Halle Berry. The actress was recently engaged in rigorous physical preparation for her part as an MMA fighter in the movie Bruised.

Berry’s excellent Instagram account shows that the Oscar winner could compete with any fitness blogger. If you get a chance to look at it, you surely cannot miss her abs, and she is looking fitter than ever!

In this article, we’ve collected everything Berry has revealed about her daily food and exercise routine, from her go-to workouts to her favorite health rituals to help you understand how she keeps fit.

Halle Berry diet plan: Intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet

Berry is one of the famous people who practice intermittent fasting (IF) and has had considerable success. However, she combines it with the well-known low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein keto diet, which she has followed for over 30 years to control her type 2 diabetes.

Although the keto diet is most famous as a weight loss technique, it can also be used to maintain a healthy weight or even to gain muscle mass. Essentially, you change the amount of calories you eat depending on what your goals are, while always following the low-carb, high-fat-moderate-protein pattern. PlanKetogenic has a good example of what a keto plan for weight loss looks like if you’d like to get a more general idea.

For Berry, since she combines keto with IF, she typically skips breakfast and only eats two meals per day. According to her trainer, the actress eats her first meal of the day immediately following her workout, which is essentially her breakfast and lunch combined.

Diet plan: Halle Berry’s weight loss keto meals

Her post-workout meals include a scrumptious and colorful variety of foods. For example, she frequently eats a steak with a large green salad rather than butter lettuce. Or she has shredded chicken over a lush, dark-green salad. She sometimes consumes two or three eggs instead of egg whites because the yolk is crucial.

In addition, she enjoys organic veggies, like celery and cucumber slices, as a snack in addition to avocado. She also consumes a lot of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries because they are also keto-friendly fruits.

Moreover, her trainer characterized Berry’s favored dinners as lamb chop or a great ketogenic stew made up of cauliflower, broccoli, and a lean grass-fed protein, in addition to reportedly drinking bone broth during the day or as a drink before bed.

Diet plan: Green juices, amino acid supplements, and bulletproof  coffee

Berry has told her fans via her Instagram profile that she substitutes her breakfast with either a green drink or bulletproof coffee, while on a fasting-keto diet.

Bulletproof coffee is a somewhat contentious technique in the health industry that entails mixing MCT oil and grass-fed, unsalted butter with black coffee.

Diet plan: A wine that is natural, sulfate-free, and low in sugar

Berry’s diet is not all work and no play, despite what it might appear. The Academy AwRemove term: Halle Berry’s Exercise Regimeard winner enjoys wine, but she only consumes low-sugar, keto-friendly varieties.

Diet plan: Water first thing in the morning

Berry prioritizes staying hydrated, emphasizing doing so first thing in the morning. She begins each day with a large glass of water containing 8 to 12 ounces (about 236 to 355 ml), typically flavored with a squeeze of lemon. She then immediately takes her amino acids following that.

Halle Berry’s Exercise Regimen

Berry prefers full-body, compound exercises like squats to standard techniques like crunches and sit-ups for core conditioning since they stress the abdominals. Her typical routine no longer includes even one sit-up or crunch, unless required in a movie.

Berry has also mentioned that she has a specific traditional core exercise that she enjoys: the plank.

She frequently includes it in her practices and feels it has significantly improved the strength and definition of her core. Moreover, it gives her composure.

Here is a sample workout routine that Berry followed recently is provided, that only involved  two moves performed with varied reps and weights and that tested her core:

20 squats to overhead presses while wearing a booty band and carrying foam dumbbells
40 lunges with biceps curls; wearing ankle and wrist weights
38 biceps curl lunges
19 squats to overhead presses
36 biceps curl lunges
18 squats to overhead presses


In addition to this, Berry’s training regimen consists of a wide range of other exercises as well.  The actress is a fan of variety, especially in preparation for her roles that require her to be fit and in shape.

In those cases, she works out for four hours a day in preparation and is known to post workout videos on her Instagram page that include high-intensity MMA-style cardio sessions, strength training, plyometric training, running, and, her all-time favorite, boxing.



For the past ten years, Berry has been a fan of boxing. She believes it significantly lowers stress levels, improves hand-eye coordination, and fosters self-control and discipline. And perhaps most significantly, you’ll never stop learning. It is a novel technique for her to test herself and use new muscles.


Berry also likes to include yoga in her exercise regimen. She practices yoga as a standalone practice in addition to warming up before her regular, intense exercises. Berry has informed her fans on Instagram many times that one of her favorite methods for stretching and preventing injuries is yoga.


Stretching is a crucial component of Berry’s total workout routine, along with yoga, and the actress shared with her Instagram fans why in March 2018. She claims that being fit involves lifting weights, running, and punching. But all that is useless if proper stretching techniques are not adopted. Most significantly, it prevents injuries and helps increase range of motion and mobility.

Halle Berry’s Wellness Routine

Berry routinely publishes on Instagram indicating that self-care is as essential to her wellness regimen as any of her workouts. This includes meditation.

She disclosed that she started practicing mindfulness after having a transformative encounter with a yoga teacher in India. The event had a significant impact on her, and it also motivated her to practice meditation every day!


A 5 Day Sneak-peek into the life of Halle Berry


Monday Training for a martial arts fight camp: Traditional boxing blows, Muay Thai kicks,  capoeira animal and locomotive movements  for mobility, and jiu-jitsu conditioning drills
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday Plyometric training:

It concentrates on ballistic actions like  bounds and jumps to engage fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Thursday Rest
Friday Strength training:

Lunges, pull-ups, push-ups, weighted triceps  dips, and bench presses


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Jasmin Ben
Jasmin Benhttps://dellaterawellness.com/
Jasmin Ben is a beauty, fitness, and health nutrition expert with years of experience in the industry. She is passionate about helping people feel and look their best and loves sharing her knowledge and tips with others. With a background in both beauty and fitness, Jasmine has a unique perspective on how to achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness. She is an avid researcher and is always on the lookout for the latest trends and techniques in the field. When she's not busy writing or working with clients, you can find Jasmine hitting the gym or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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